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The Power of Help: The Most Important Word in Business

Blog from our Enterprise Manager Pete McLean

July 6, 2023

When pondering the question of what word holds the most significance in business, a multitude of terms may come to mind. Customers, listening, pain points, and money all carry weight. However, upon reflection of my own business experiences and the countless entrepreneurs I've assisted over the years, one word consistently emerges: HELP!

Asking for help can be challenging for many entrepreneurs. Ego, stubbornness, and even a sense of embarrassment may hinder the act, as it can be perceived as a sign of weakness. I, too, have wrestled with these feelings.

However, those who have embraced seeking help have undergone transformative experiences, both personally and within their businesses. Help can manifest in various forms, from a simple review of a competition entry to bouncing ideas off someone, or addressing more substantial challenges such as cash flow and recruitment. Yet, one constant remains: your network is eager to assist you, regardless of their position!

Revealing vulnerability is a demonstration of strength. Do not fear to ask for help.

Equally crucial is reaching out for support when you encounter struggles. Being a business owner can be a lonely and stressful journey. Often, a simple coffee meetup, sharing challenges, and engaging in conversation can alleviate the weight on your shoulders and guide you towards the right path.

Now, I pose the question to you:

What do you believe is the most important word in business?

Share your thoughts in the comments and let's continue the dialogue.

In the realm of entrepreneurship, where collaboration and growth thrive, the power of help should never be underestimated. Together, we can propel each other towards success and create a vibrant network of support.